Sunday, October 8, 2006

Wedding Welcomemessage


... I admit sometimes I can be messy just the beginning ... a speech, I leave in the middle 'for months, then leave it again to resume incomplete.
TRANSLATION: In this post I will talk no 'to drugs, or side effects!

course a great excuse ... well ... I try to put yourself in my shoes: how do you talk about the past when the future is there 'round the corner, full of news', anxieties, thoughts but especially when there is a new life that awaits you?
now you get to know me ... when there is something important that's going to happen to me I can not stop thinking about it and the only thing I can do is "talk" with you!

So ... now we have made things clear: I am going to do the second operation and as you can imagine my life is about to undergo yet another change of direction!
You probably wonder why I do it so long, I should be accustomed by now: I have already 'made the first operation, in and out of hospitals are a myriad of times but then, what is' that torments me?!?!
To understand I have to tell you about my last 11 months and try to decrivervi the many, endless to how I felt. A
all? The sense of freedom '!
I know, I can 'seem absurd or excessive, and' so '!

FREEDOM 'in deciding what to eat, when and where.
I discovered many delights of "culinary" I had lost on the road during the long years of illness, such as nibbling a bar of chocolate, preparing impromptu dinner with friends or go to the beach and stop to eat in a chalet pentolaccia a huge fish (I get hungry just thinking about it!).
do not know .. I can not find the words to describe what I feel .. I can not because I know that you will remain 'hard to believe me and understand me for once ... but trust me!

FREEDOM 'in coming home and not having the fear of being sick.
I got over this fear so well that this summer my mother had to make an appointment a week before to be able to see me.
Basically I have lost a party, a concert, an evening with friends ... and yes, I have just had a good time .. it was now, do not you think?
(NB I'm also losing the habit of entering the premises and seek first the bagno..finalmente!!!)

LIBERTA' nel fare gli esami senza la paura, o la certezza, di venir ricoverata subito dopo!!
Anzi, vi diro' di piu' ( Dott. ne saresti fiero!!)... sono riuscita a cambiare metodo di studio (o forse la mia mente ora è solo piu' libera!!) e ad organizzarmi meglio: non passo piu' le nottate sui libri e riesco a trovare anche il tempo per delle lunghe e rilassanti passeggiate.

Ma la vera LIBERTA' è stata quella di risvegliarmi dopo un lunghissimo sonno durato 10 anni e finalmente scoprire il mio vero carattere.
Ho capito che la timidezza e la solitudine non fanno realmente parte di me, ma che semplicemente le utilizzavo per non avere contatti con chi mi circondava e per non dare troppe spiegazioni riguardo i miei comportamenti!

Insomma, proprio ora che iniziavo a divertirmi ed a vivere, mi tocca abbandonare tutto!
Mi sento come una bambina a cui viene dato il giocattolo che tanto desiderava e che poi gli viene strappato dalle mani.
Vi sembro esagerata? Bè..forse un po' permettetemi di essere almeno un pochino ansiosa ed impaurita...d'altra parte , a me questa vita piace, chi mi assicura che non perdero' tutto di nuovo?

Ogni tanto mi fermo a pensare ( e non stupitevi per questo!!!!).
Tra qualche giorno il telefono squillera' ed esattamente come un anno fa , nel giro di poche ore, mi ritrovero' in un letto d'ospedale intubata dalla head to toe and with a single desire: to open their eyes and realize that it's over.
No more 'disease, no more' Willy (inseparable companion of the last 11 months), more 'no limit but above all, the certainty of a life of long-term plans and no pit stops in a hospital!

Mah. Hopefully good!
In reality 'I scared to death that something is wrong in the right direction but on the other hand, these are the risks of the trade, is not it?
I just have to greet you and give you the first appointment to the third chapter of my life (caspita.. Seems to be a "beautiful "!!!).


PS. I would like to thank my illness (ops..'d Be right ' maybe crazy?) for teaching me that life should be lived every single moment, savoring even (perhaps especially!) things more 'simple and trying to "capture the' moment 'leaving no stone unturned.
I know, I probably said something obvious but it took me 10 years to understand this disease .. that stubborn!!

Monday, May 1, 2006

Kates Playground Zip Sets 2010

La "lista" della spesa!!!!

of Manuela

not tell me that I thought you were already in the Maldives .. spread on a golden beach spots?!?! I was just
and anxiolytic test!

But now I'm back and I'm here to give you a little 'straight to the wonderful world of medicine! Before
But starting 'I want to make a very important premise: everything I wrote, I write and write in this blog is solely the result of my experience in a nutshell .. .. since the ulcerative colitis disease is very individual and subjective, that could happen to me, a medicine can have an effect on you and a completely opposite.
So ... what you will read below is simply my story and it is far from clear that it also happens to you!

Okay '... then ... where do I start?
And yes, there is no doubt .. the place of honor goes to the drug for good or sea I radically changed my life, that I decided to work .. you have not yet realized chi sto parlando?
La parola "PREDNISONE" vi dice nulla? Noooo??
Allora se vi dico "CORTISONE" voi che mi rispondete?
Per chi già lo conosce, vedo stampato in viso un bel sorriso sarcastico, mentre per chi ne è all''..sono qui apposta!!

-CORTISONE- (deltacortene e deltacortene forte)

PRO= il primo effetto positivo che mi viene in mente è il fatto che questa medicina, riusciva a farmi passare la malattia in breve tempo. Per tutto il periodo potevo mangiare molte piu' cose (lo so, il cioccolato era sempre vietato..purtoppo!!) e non avevo paura di stare male all'improvviso!
In teoria potevo uscire senza troppe ansie, ero iperattiva e...riuscivo a svegliarmi practically no effort at dawn (yes .. I woke up even before my father!).
All this sounds wonderful? Wait until then to know the v .. then they'll talk about!

v = So ... think about any side effects .. here .. there 'too!! Well yes ..
cortisone was for me one of the drugs with more 'side effects .. so it' s true that I do not know where to start!!
The more 'is perhaps difficult to sustain the change in the appearance that ... .. after about two weeks that you take this medication, see "rise" your body: your pants do not you come over' and face to swell so that even the eyes seem to become little children ... assurdo ma è come ingrassare di 20 kg nel giro di due settimane(..senza pero' avere il piacere di strafogarsi di cibo!!!!).
Per me stava diventando una malattia-fobia anche quella di guardarsi allo passavo davanti una ventina di volte al giorno, sperando che qualcosa cambiasse in non succedeva mai.
Per non parlare delle uscite..non riuscivo nemmeno ad andare a fare la spesa tanta era la vergogna!
Pensate che io stia esagerando?? Be'..non direste cosi' se un giorno, camminando per strada, nemmeno i parenti vi riconoscessero!!!
Vi assicuro che non è una bella sensazione!!!
Ultimamente mi era venuto anche uno strano sfogo sul viso..non vi dico la paura!!!
In 7 anni non mi era mai successo...sembravo una dodicenne..ho iniziato a pensare che non se ne sarebbe mai andato e che sarei rimasta cosi' per sempre...quindi...ULTERIORE ANSIA!!!

In piu' ci si mettevano anche gli amici, che pensando di fare del bene, mi facevano passare per "pazza": mi dicevano che stavo benissimo, che sembravo "solo un po'" ingrassata, che nessuno se ne sarebbe accorto e che era solo una mia paranoia...a me, queste parole, facevano ancora piu' male!!

Ma" il fondo" l'ho toccato quest'estate...ed è proprio in questo periodo che ho deciso di operarmi..ho capito che non volevo piu' stare male e che se c'era anche solo una possibilità di guarire, tanto valeva provare.
...Il cortisone has done his part ... the fact is that after years and years, doses should be "normal" were no longer 'effect, and that's why they arrived at somministrarnmi doses of "elephant" to try to calm the disease. . but this has resulted in more side effects.

in the past I had problems with joints and muscles (I could not bend my knees and I was a bit 'of pain in your hands), but this summer has deteriorated a bit' all.
I took drastic leg cramps and I had great difficulty in moving around ... often at night the pain woke me up and she sat in a chair without a wink of sleep until the next morning.
In practice went on for more ' one month: the night I was sleeping and no one hour, then I woke up and I fell asleep again more '.

Even today I can not tell where he got the strength to stand up .. actually the cortisone had become a drug charge .. gave me a very strong but at the same time, I butchered the body.
Not to mention the mood swings!
Luckily at that time I was forgiven everything else at this time I do not know where I would be confined!
And 'cause this drug makes you go from euphoria to tears in less than ten minutes .. and this is also due to heavy stress!

In practice I was barricaded in the house throughout July and August: no water (the sun increased leg pain!), No evenings con gli amici( con tutti i pensieri che avevo era impossibile divertirsi!!), niente vacanza..insomma un'estate da dimenticare!!!!

Quando ripenso al cortisone, mi vengono in mente tutte le volte che il gastroenterologo mi dava la "bella " notizia: e si perche' per fare in modo che una nuova terapia avesse effetto bisognava calmare la malattia e solo Deltacortene ci riusciva.
Per me, ogni volta, era come una sconfitta.
Solo in quel momento riuscivo a piangere davvero, perche' sapevo quello che mi aspettava..!!!

Spero di non avervi spaventato con tutti questi "strani" effetti...anzi..vorrei esservi stata utile..cosi' se mai un giorno vi dovesse capitare di dover prendere questo farmaco (spero for you !!!!) not know what side effects you might have.
It 's true .. cortisone upset me life, but at the same time helped me .. thanks to him I was able to try different treatments and changed my way of coping ... there seems nothing?! ?!?!

-Asacol-(Pentacles etc ...) There are no

PRO or AGAINST ... that '... for me this drug was like water .. I was looking ever but its effects continued still get it!
E 'was perhaps the first medicine they gave me from the beginning and I did nothing. This
only because my colitis was already well under way ... in reality 'and it' s a very good drug and is useful to stop the disease in the early stages!

Small anecdote: being the first medicine I took, I was very careful at the times and doses, so, seeing that I had to take 2 every 6 hours four times a day meant that I woke up at 6 am and I never went to bed before midnight ... do not tell you that I sleep! Indeed, on a trip, my friends (thanks Lawrence!), I woke up to remind me to take the medication ... I finally realized that it was not worth making these absurd times and they take it every 5 hours is not collapsing the mica world .. indeed .. maybe I could even sleep in one hour more '!

Well ... for now I'll stop here, otherwise the post would be too lungo....ho ancora 6 o 7 farmaci di cui parlarvi ma...che fretta c'e'??
Quindi..alla prossima!!!!!
Spero di essere stata un po' utile...ammetto che non è facile tornare indietro e parlare della mia ex malattia...ogni volta è come riaprire una ferita puo' servire anche solo ad uno di'..lo faccio piu' che volentieri!!!

Un baciotto ed a presto!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Monster Garage Go-kart/buggy Blueprints

Il Volto 1

di Andrea

Gli eventi successivi all’anno 2000, come anticipato nel primo articolo “L’ospite inattesa”, sono stati caraterizzati dai seguenti fatti. Mi permetto di fare solo un piccolo passo indietro: nella primavera dell’anno Then made a 2000 visit by former head physician at the Hospital of Recanati, a specialist in inflammatory bowel disease, from St. Orsola Hospital in Bologna.
The specialist I was advised by colleagues of disease, comparing ourselves to our common experience, I had convinced whether to contact him. After a first visit, I made the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving contacted the specialist fair, competent and professional, with a current clinical and methodical approach. In fact, from what he told me, allowed me to have a more in-depth knowledge about the disease, both scientifically and therapeutically. Until then I had
only a general knowledge of the disease from what I had told the gastroenterologist who made the diagnosis. The latter, unfortunately, not being updated and highly professional men faced on the cases, they have the particular expertise that distinguishes, however, those who dedicate themselves only to two chronic inflammatory bowel disease: ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
However, the specialist hospital of Recanati prescribed me the type of therapy that I had to do in cases of exacerbation of colitis. Heartened by the expert on the subject, almost unscathed after the year 2000, characterized as the years passed by during the flare cambio di stagione.
Dopo tutte le esperienze vissute, oggi, posso dire che anche il suo approccio non era quello propriamente ottimale; infatti, le malattie infiammatorie intestinali necessitano di un costante monitoraggio e non è sufficiente la prescrizione di una terapia generale, valida per tutti; ogni caso va valutato e seguito singolarmente. Comunque, lo specialista di Recanati, anche se altamente professionale e proveniente dalla migliore scuola di ricerca e cura nelle malattie infiammatorie intestinali, era rimasto un po’ indietro nell’aggiornamento sulla cura di queste malattie o, quanto meno, seguiva un’approccio diverso. Credo che oggi posso permettermi di fare queste considerazioni non solo perché sono seguito dal maggiore centro nazionale per la cura di tali malattie, ma soprattutto perché ho potuto testare personalmente l’efficacia dei vari metodi clinici.

Per non dilungare eccessivamente il mio articolo, nell’anno 2001, come gli anni passati ho aspettato che la fase di riacutizzazione della malattia avvenisse al cambio di stagione, inverno-primavera, all’incirca verso la fine di febbraio, ma, inaspettatamente, la malattia si riacutizzò solo all’inizio della seconda metà di aprile in avanti. Fino a quei giorni avevo ipotecato l’ipotesi che la terapia di mantenimento mi avrebbe fatto passare indenne il periodo “caldo”. Invece, come ho anticipato, la mia più felice illusione fu totalmente discouraged from day to day when I felt pain and bowel evacuations presented blood.
With every passing day the situation did not improve, indeed, I also had small asymptomatic sporadic episodes of fever, flu-like phenomena unrelated to the origin of which I was given expressly confirmed in the future. They too were the phenomena associated with exacerbation of the disease. Due to such circumstances, as indicated previously had treatment by a specialist in Recanati, my doctor prescribed me cortisone injections in the first moment I did, but that certainly marked the beginning of inappropriate therapy my needs. A demonstration to what I just described, in fact, today I can say that the intake of cortisone was the beginning of a physical and psychological dependence.
Now, I can not say with absolute certainty that the cortisone made me sick, but taking this drug did not help, as appropriate, to overcome the critical phase of the exacerbation of the disease.
I can only say that, based on experience had the cortisone is usually taken only under close monitoring by dedicated specialist gastroenterologists who treat chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and the careful evaluation of the phenomenology of the disease.
Continuing the narrative of the facts, after some time of apparent stasis of the disease, it riaffaciò with all its symptoms: shock, intestinal pain fast and repeatable.
Once again, my doctor, accused on the basis of symptoms, followed the letter of the therapeutic indications described Recanati specializes in cases of exacerbation of the disease.
Subsequently, then, all I did was to take on new cortisone in tablet form, this time in an amount determined by the precise indication of the ration scale starting slowly and gradually. In addition to the cortisone taken even for a few days, special antibiotics that I altered the taste the taste of metal.
timing, era quasi giunta l’estate e negli anni precedenti la fase critica era oramai passata da tempo. Tutto sommato la terapia appena descritta mi fece star bene, avvertii anche l’effetto euforico del cortisone ma, ripensandoci bene, avevo anche i nervi quasi a fior di pelle ed era, conoscendo il mio carattere estremamente paziente, il sintomo di una malattia latente non ancora risolta.
Verso la fine di luglio mi assalì un senso di tristezza malinconica non meglio identificabile, molto probabilmente era il rovescio della medaglia dell’apparente positivo stato di salute; infatti, se alla fine dell’estate dell’anno 2001 avevo assunto un fisico tonico e prestate, come ogni estate dedicata al nuoto quotidiano, essa segnò anche the beginning of a typical nuisance.
latter situated on the left side of the abdomen, specifically in the intestine which ends in the transverse colon - start descending colon, is the area where I placed the disease. The discomfort became described the feeling of a hot spot or a slight compression of the body sensed from inside to the outside and a bit 'as if there were the embers under the ashes. This discomfort, as mentioned, derives its was located at the end of the transverse colon, with an area of \u200b\u200bseveral centimeters.
practice was in place a reasoned warming the affected area, like a missile on the launch pad ready to go.
Today I am increasingly convinced that this was the main effect of cortisone I had taken for about three months. In fact, if this medication is taken for a long enough period of time can cause more inflammation than the initial one. Next events I describe in the next article will demonstrate how much more I just said. In my experience, I can say that the cortisone is taken only in cases where it is extremely essential and must be topical and systemic action (that is going to care only if it has to perform the action and not throughout the body ).
My experience, not too happy, it was mainly due to the fact that I was entrusted alle cure del mio medico di base, scevro delle conoscenze specifiche di uno specialista nelle malattie infiammatorie intestinali; aveva solo applicato alla lettera le indicazioni terapeutiche del primario del reparto di medicina dell’Ospedale di Recanati. Oggi, ripensandoci, mi chiedo, in quali casi è necessaria la cura con il cortisone? In tutti i casi di riacutizzazione della malattia? Proprio no, infatti se anche si fa un monitoraggio frequente degli esami del sangue, è anche vero che il cortisone falsa la realtà sullo stato di salute generale.
La riprova di quest’ultima tesi è confermata dagli eventi che descriverò nel prossimo articolo.
Ora, penso di essermi dilungato fin troppo dettagliatamente nella descrizione of my story, and then, after "granted" a pause to all those who have followed this story, I highly recommend continuing to read the next article.
