Sunday, November 27, 2005

Female Doctor Check Testicals

L'ospite inattesa

of Andrea

My first experience with a "special guest unexpected" dates back to the University, precisely to 1996, during the study of civil law matters. While they spent the afternoon in the maze of law, "something" has come into my body (read intestine) a special lady and quite unexpected, and yes!, because I began to experience abdominal pain and bowel movements of unidentified phenomena explicable or diarrhea or the normal excretory function. I state that up to that point, my bowel movements had always been regular, though fast in terms of digestion. Not worried that much and more in love with my right, I let the legal training to assume the lead role in my early 20's.

I had to change his mind when the passage of days required an increasingly urgent need to use the bathroom, with frequent and sudden shocks. Decided to investigate what I was really happening, due to the appearance of blood in the stool, which among other things frightened me greatly, I stared at a visit with a specialist. Waiting for the day set for the visit made my hypotheses, including, for me the most likely, the emergence of a phenomenon hemorrhoidal. This theory was totally discredited when the specialist, for an initial clinical examination, considering both the symptoms have accused both the events considered in their phenomenology, all at proctitis attributed (inflammation of the last part of the anus). Only a subsequent examination by specialists in internal medicine hospital in Macerata, carried out more objectively through the use of sonda endoscopica, ha permesso di definire così la diagnosi: colite ulcerosa. E’ lei l’ospite inattesa di cui ho fatto menzione e che tutt’ora alberga nel mio corpo. Dopo tale diagnosi lo specialista mi disse di limitare l’alimentazione ricca di fibre e verdure e mi consigliò di stare tranquillo e di non stressarmi troppo. In effetti solo dopo qualche tempo ho realmente capito il senso di questo suo ultimo consiglio (nei prossimi articoli tornerò su questo aspetto).

Dopo la diagnosi predetta, ricordo di aver assunto un atteggiamento piuttosto ottimista, probabilmente perché ignoravo cosa fosse la colite ulcerosa. Comunque, la terapia che dovevo fare era costituita da pasticche e clisterini da fare la sera prima I fell asleep. After a couple of months the situation had been gradually improving and resumed studying with will and satisfaction. But to be honest there was something that escaped me that unconsciously or not I wanted to understand: I was told in fact that I had this disease for life, and it was just this last sentence that I sometimes think of returning. Today, as the years passed, I do not remember precisely what was to my conclusion in that regard, certainly not exactly optimistic.

To speed up a bit 'this story, I mention only the fact that the colitis and is concerned with my colon in its last part: sigma-rectum. Until 2000 the problems of flare disease is more accentuated than the change of season (winter-spring) covers the period from March to mid-May (the term "hot" the brake with the tablets and some clisterino). For the rest of the year I had no particular problems of "transit urgent", nevertheless I always need to make a maintenance therapy. The disease has always been characterized according to this year 2000 and thereafter bending the facts evolve.

In the next article I will write that the situation is a bit 'changed. To conclude my first attachment to this commendable and important dialog and discussion, I just want to remember all those who read my article, as it is of paramount importance, again, important to know every aspect of ulcerative colitis symptoms and his "brother" Chron's disease, and to be able to live without ever losing optimism. For the experience I believe that a condition that needs to distinguish those who have and have this disease and the fact of having a positive mood and high living. Maybe not all fully understand these sentences, but in this regard will receive all the answers to their questions in my next articles.

soon, Andrea


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