Thursday, March 19, 2009

Old Cricket Bats Symonds


Ogni giorno che passa,i programmi più che subire un cambiamento,suiscono una vera e propria rivoluzione.
Preso dalla curiosità di girare e di conoscere,settimana prossima ho prenotato il volo per Cairns dove mi fermerò l'ultima settimana con Andrea.
Poi,essendo già a Cairns,pensavo di continuare il giro sulla est coast con Luca e Beppe.
Questo sabato,al loro ritorno da Albany decideremo che fare,si pensava di noleggiare un van e di scendere la costa.
Ma chi l'avrebbe detto che mi sarei lanciato a capofitto nella vita così?
Ieri sera in ostello ho conosciuto un ragazzo di 55 anni della Nuova Zelanda che mi ha veramente impressionato.Non posso chiamarlo ladies because its vitality is that of a young person.
Besides the fact that he is proud of his nation, the thing that struck me is that it has continued to ricodarmi: Mark, you only live once, you only have one life, so make. Every word
concealed this simple secret that we have forgotten. When talking about the NZ
m I tried to imagine all those landscapes and I got goose bumps. Now I'm very curious about this country, who knows in the future ... he has offered to teach me to fish for blue marlin and tuna ... and to make us a couple of glasses of jack ...
next week if all goes well I thought the course sub.Valuterò time because the prices are very good. But it is wonderful
this country and every day there are unexpected surprises.
The other night we celebrated St. Patrick's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Irish traditional festival where the beer flows freely and sometimes blows.
Between a beer and 'other we met a French girl playing in league rugby in France and his team won the Six Nations tournament ... wow.
Now that I see in store for today and tomorrow, and again tomorrow, and tomorrow still e. ......
Now I have to reveal the surprise that all they asked me to consist in: in "preview" I got the news that became "uncle". Anna.Penserò What a surprise then to a nice gift for the population before returning ...
a hug Marco


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