Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ebook Ubezpieczenia Książka

ritorno a Sydney

... and here I am again back to the city "home" where I was welcomed with open arms when I arrived, like a mother trying to make your child strong.
strange feeling after months of return trip to this magical city, after traveling by bus, tour, air, and finally with a van.
back past memories of everything that has happened in the three-month stay, come and gather to decide what to do.
is that reality back to knock on the shoulder to remind you of something you have to live, comes to take stock of the situation. And here I am
give me brief moments of reflection during my laps around the city trying to show everything that can hold the city to an Italian boy just arrived.
So away with the first plane to another city to find some work to make cash and then decide what to do.
the situation I have never given up, it's always been hidden like a soldier ready to attack at the first hint of danger.
then reflected on the reasons that led me to get back into the game, what I have left, to what might be expected to return to my homeland.
... but I have staked everything from A to Z, I cut out the deadwood and new ones have grown stronger but also more free to grow according to their wishes. Latest
pensieri sono quelli di tornare a casa,se non fosse per poter dare un saluto alla mia famiglia e a qualche persona (direi non molte).
Qualche idea si è fatta più chiara dentro di me,in me sono nate nuove forze,nuovi occhi con cui guardare le cose,nuove curiosità...
Serata di pensieri e di mille idee.
Ora mi sento libero di scegliere la mia vita...


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