Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pearl Barley Steaming

la figura materna

Finalmente dopo rinvii su rinvii decido di affrontare questo viaggio verso sud Bangkok per vedere questo famoso mercato galleggiante caratteristico della Thailandia.
E l'impresa risulta più difficile del previsto.
Ammettendo che non sono un tipo mattiniero,a metà mattina mi avvio alla ricerca della stazione sud dei bus.
Seguo le indicazione dell'information office e prendo la linea tre alla ricerca della stazione...e come al solito dopo un'ora di viaggio mi ritrovo al punto di partenza...doh!
Opto allora per il taxi,anche se ogni volta per fargli capire dove portarmi ci vuole una gran fortuna:ringrazio di essere italiano perchè riesco ad unire il mio semplice inglese con la super gestualità(molto più comprensibile da loro).
Twenty minutes and I'm come to the right place, with "Lucky Buddha"!
Ticket, air-conditioned bus and travel two hours to reach their destination.
How I envied that Armstrong put the first foot on the moon was not attacked by any seller of tour operators.
No time to get off the bus and soon they were joined by a guy who takes me by the arm and leads me to the banquet where I find myself without saying a word the bill in hand for the boat tour of the market: 1500 baht for a ' hours.
Luckily I have lightened my wallet, not to risk the sinking of the boat because of too much weight ...
Imagine a Venetian gondola with four wooden seats of wood instead of the oarsman who sings "Santa Lucia" is a "pilot" of offshore operation which an engine of two hundred horses ...
If Columbus had had a similar boat would have jumped at the America with a quantum leap in India and would come within a few days.
It starts down a coin and as if on a carousel of Gardaland begins around the canals.
Crossing all these boats filled with goods of all kinds, from food to baskets of wood.
And here appears the problem lies: the souvenirs.
I find them everywhere, on both boats in the shops at the side of the channels.
were also selling T-shirts with pictures of the market and luckily did not hit rock bottom with the line "i love the floating market. "
I would have opted for the words "I'm stingy and I do not care nothing 'in order to observe all relax and have blessed my photos.
At one point on the way back to the lady at the helm, with his mother's eyes, my eyes have seen the curious and fascinated as a child asks me to riding the gondola ... I came on the eyes. After two
information leaves me driving and sits in the stern leaving me alone. I
around all proud, amused and I can also get the applause from the children playing on the River. While the half
pilot boat, I see this lady sitting in front of me and I remember the figure of my mother, as if we were me and her.
Questa scena mi è rimasta impressa per tutta la giornata.
Domani dopo una settimana di “della di isolamento” mi trasferirò in una camera doppia in attesa dell'arrivo di Omar da Sydney.
Finalmente avrò acqua calda,aria condizionata e soprattutto la corrente elettrica per poter ricaricare tutte le batterie prima della partenza.
Direzione nord Thailandia.
Speriamo solo di non ritrovarci nel mezzo di un temporale monsonico.

“La vita è quello che succede mentre stai facendo altri progetti”


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