Sunday, March 29, 2009

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direttamente dal sito del Times

THE Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, wants to give the largely ceremonial office of president some real teeth – and then campaign for the job himself. If successful, he would be entrenched as the most powerful Italian politician since Benito Mussolini, the fascist leader who ruled from 1922 to 1943.

Aides said Berlusconi would use his closing speech at a party conference in Rome today to call for a directly elected president, modelled on the French system.

Georgio Napolitano, who is president until 2013 when Berlusconi’s term as prime minister ends, is a former communist who was elected by MPs and regional representatives. His role is mainly confined to dissolving parliament and calling elections.

Berlusconi, 72, is expected to argue that Italy, whose postwar prime ministers have rarely spent more than a year or two in office, needs more decisive government. He is said to favour a president directly elected by the people and with a beefed-up role to match the powers enjoyed by President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Related Links

* Berlusconi unites with Mussolini's heirs

* Berlusconi denies cheeky aside about Bruni

“Berlusconi is very envious of Sarkozy and he feels he has a special rapport with the people,” said professor Roberto D’Alimonte, a political scientist at Florence University.

Berlusconi has yet to spell out how powerful the new presidency would be, but it is believed his reforms would allow the head of state in effect to dominate the government by proposing laws, forging foreign policy, appointing the prime minister and naming ministers. His camp has dropped heavy hints that he wants the job.

James Walston, professor of international relations at the American University in Rome, said Berlusconi was already more powerful than Mussolini in some ways because of his media and other business interests.

Fate has smiled on the flamboyant billionaire. Almost a year into his third term as premier, he boasts approval ratings of about 58%, a rare feat among European leaders buffeted by the credit crunch.

Frequent gaffes have not hurt Berlusconi, who has undergone a facelift and a hair transplant. Last week he said he was paler than President Barack Obama “because it’s been so long since I’ve been in the sun”, an echo of last year’s slip when he called Obama “sun-tanned”.

Boosted by his success last weekend in persuading the “postfascist” National Alliance, led by Gianfranco Fini, 57, to merge with his centre-right People of Freedom party, he is determined to reform Italy’s political system.

He can already count on the support of Fini, who is speaker of the lower house and is widely tipped as Berlusconi’s heir.

The idea of a President Berlusconi is "everything but a remote hypothesis," Fini Said last week. D'Alimonte added: "Berlusconi is full of surprises and Could he pull it off."

Why Does Sniffing Shoes

io provo per il mio Paese

Jacqui Smith being targeted for demanding reimbursement of pay per view movies
red light purchased by her husband while she was away
London, Interior Minister in trouble
two films porn in the expense

London, Interior Minister in trouble in two films porno expense

husband, Richard Timney
LONDON - New trouble for the British Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith . The same as in February was the target of violent criticism for asking for compensation seconda casa mentre, invece, era ospitata dalla sorella. Stavolta è nel mirino per aver inserito nella sua nota spese di parlamentare la visione di programmi tv a pagamento, fra cui figurano anche due film porno. Si tratta di pellicole pay per view del valore di cinque sterline (pari a poco più di cinque euro). Tuttavia l'acquisto, a quanto pare, sarebbe opera del marito, Richard Timney, suo assistente, che avrebbe comprato i film a luci rosse mentre lei era impegnata a Londra.

"Sono spiacente che, chiedendo il rimborso della mia connessione a internet, ho allegato per errore anche il rimborso del pacchetto tv", si legge in una nota diffusa dal ministro. "Appena la cosa mi è stata fatta presente, ho avviato subito le procedure per mettermi in contatto con le competenti autorità parlamentari e rimediare alla situazione. Tutti i soldi rimborsati per il pacchetto tv saranno restituiti".

I film per cui ha chiesto rimborso sono in totale cinque e sono stati tutti visti nella sua abitazione a Redditch, nell'Inghilterra centrale. "Dire che Jacqui è arrabbiata con suo marito è un eufemismo" ha detto un amico della coppia al Sunday Express, che ha pubblicato un resoconto della vicenda. "Lei non era lì quando questi film sono stati visti. E' furiosa, imbarazzata e mortificata".

La richiesta di rimborso per il pacchetto tv e la connessione a internet, in tutto 67 sterline, era stata presentata in giugno.

Friday, March 27, 2009

How Many Combination With 8 Letters

si vive una volta sola talk, talk and talk ... well, you try to talk about the future, projects, or simply what you will do in the coming months or return to their homeland.
And everyone, or at least most, has a very clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat awaits him at the door. I primo.Ricordo
to be left with thousands of projects mainly related to work and then it all fell apart and called into question thousands of times.
So we do a brief review and evaluate: what do I wait for my return? What I left and still find something? What will come back with a new way of seeing things? From
human being, I thought these things and I tried to give risposte.Prima leaving I staked everything, really everything, a sorta di lascia o raddoppia...
Io ho preferito la seconda,così tutto è un mistero.Ma poco importa,ho sempre idea che il mondo è veramente grande e tutto da scoprire.
Così avendo tutto questo tempo a disposizione da dedicarmi sto cercando di scoprirmi e mettermi in discussione,di comprendere il mio collare che mi è stato imposto negli anni involontariamente e che mi frena,non mi permette di essere libero nella mia pienezza.
Ultimi giorni a Perth e poi il volo per Cairns...e come al solito arriva il momento dei saluti...
E poi via all'avventura nel van per un mese fino ad arrivare Sydney.
E viviamo questa vita pienamente,SI VIVE UNA VOLTA SOLA,UNA VOLTA SOLA,UNA VOLTA SOLA!!!!!
un abbraccio

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sample Application For Disconnection Of Telephone

buon rientro capitano

...stasera ho visto il lato umano di un uomo,ho visto questo uomo lasciarsi andare alle mozioni e commuoversi della propria figlia,ho visto crollare quel guscio che lo teneva al sicuro ed esprimere ciò che provava.
Ho sentito le sue lacrime,ho sentito la forza di un padre che torna alla sua vita dopo aver passato un magico momento con la figlia.
Avrei voluto abbracciarlo e accarezzargli quei pochi capelli,come se fosse un bambino bisognoso di affetto.
Ho ascoltato le sue parole e l'ho abbracciato con il mio pensiero.
Dedico a questa persona le parole di Gibran che lo accompagnino nel suo ritorno in Nuova Zelanda:

I vostri figli non sono fili vostri.
Sono figli e figlie della thirst that life has of itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you do not belong there.
You can give them love but not your thoughts:
they have their own thoughts.
can provide shelter for their bodies but not their souls:
they live in the house of tomorrow,
that there will not be allowed to visit even in your dreams.
groped can be like them, but
not make them like you.
Life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children,
as living arrows are sent forward.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with
strength so that his arrows vadano rapide e lontane.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Old Cricket Bats Symonds


Ogni giorno che passa,i programmi più che subire un cambiamento,suiscono una vera e propria rivoluzione.
Preso dalla curiosità di girare e di conoscere,settimana prossima ho prenotato il volo per Cairns dove mi fermerò l'ultima settimana con Andrea.
Poi,essendo già a Cairns,pensavo di continuare il giro sulla est coast con Luca e Beppe.
Questo sabato,al loro ritorno da Albany decideremo che fare,si pensava di noleggiare un van e di scendere la costa.
Ma chi l'avrebbe detto che mi sarei lanciato a capofitto nella vita così?
Ieri sera in ostello ho conosciuto un ragazzo di 55 anni della Nuova Zelanda che mi ha veramente impressionato.Non posso chiamarlo ladies because its vitality is that of a young person.
Besides the fact that he is proud of his nation, the thing that struck me is that it has continued to ricodarmi: Mark, you only live once, you only have one life, so make. Every word
concealed this simple secret that we have forgotten. When talking about the NZ
m I tried to imagine all those landscapes and I got goose bumps. Now I'm very curious about this country, who knows in the future ... he has offered to teach me to fish for blue marlin and tuna ... and to make us a couple of glasses of jack ...
next week if all goes well I thought the course sub.Valuterò time because the prices are very good. But it is wonderful
this country and every day there are unexpected surprises.
The other night we celebrated St. Patrick's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Irish traditional festival where the beer flows freely and sometimes blows.
Between a beer and 'other we met a French girl playing in league rugby in France and his team won the Six Nations tournament ... wow.
Now that I see in store for today and tomorrow, and again tomorrow, and tomorrow still e. ......
Now I have to reveal the surprise that all they asked me to consist in: in "preview" I got the news that became "uncle". Anna.Penserò What a surprise then to a nice gift for the population before returning ...
a hug Marco

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Underwear Rashesinner Thigh

the extraordinary simplicity of a child ...

I wanted to share these words to make you think without expressing my giudizio.Questa time I want to remain neutral and allow you to make each of you his own idea.
Everything was born from a simple request made to a four and a half years.
He is asked just what is this famous crisis that everyone is talking about in recent times?
These are his words:
The crisis is because the era in which human beings were to be subjected to an avalanche of work and losing their lives in lavoro.Perchè there are automatic machines and nowadays you no longer need as many as three million workers. And how
si fa a risolvere questo problema?
Gli stati,i re,tutti quelli di potere dovranno finalmente ridare in dietro i soldi e le energie che hanno rubato per secoli agli essere umani,costretti a non seguire il loro destino invece di produrre,produrre e produrre in modo ce così non davano fastidio.Si può fare così.
Invece di lavorare nove ore al giorno si può lavorare due ore al giorno in modo che tutti lavorano,tutti lavorano bene,la produzione aumenta di qualità,non c'è più il problema di dare del denaro a chi è umiliato a non andare a lavorare ed invece le persone avranno 22 ore di tempo per vivere...per vivere...
un abbraccio

Friday, March 13, 2009

Clear Discharge When Erect Natural

good news

...ed ecco che sta finendo anche l'ultima week with the friends on the go, tomorrow will all be on their way: those who travel and who casa.Ed to me?
me want to scream to the sorrow I have inside on this day, for all the thoughts that assail me and for all decisions taken and I do not know what will happen tomorrow.
This evening I would also need the de mulher Abraço and let me go into tears liberating ... and let me go into a long laugh that lifted me completely.
a deep breath and a couple of days and get myself in the foot.
But without expecting anything good news that came and showed me a great pleasure ... a couple of days I will be less mysterious ...
a hug