Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Glory Holes In Jacksonville Fl

31 points - Christmas Cup: Act II, Fireworks and We Are the World 25 for Haiti.

Finalmente dopo 20 giorni di letargo ritorna finalmente Casbahr.

Puntata dedicata ai festeggiamenti di capodanno, avvenimenti e notizie curiose dell'anno appena trascorso, l'andamento della Christmas cup con alcuni protagonisti de "The runaways" Trip, Franky, Ciccio Lele and the winner of the tournament with Taini Team.

Finally a thought for Haiti, a year after the earthquake that razed the country and caused thousands of victims, who hope those who really need help.

Lineup musical episode:

Kasabian - LSF
Checco Zalone - We are a very strong team
Queen - We Are The Champions
The Heartists - Belo Horizonte
White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
We Are 25 for the World Haiti


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