Monday, July 21, 2008

Very Itchy After Brazilian Wax

Sunday 27 to Malena ....

Malena canta el tango como ninguna
y en cada verso pone su corazón.
A yuyo del suburbio su voz perfuma,
Malena tiene pena de bandoneón.
Tal vez allá en la infancia su voz de alondra
tomó ese tono oscuro de callejón,
o acaso aquel romance que sólo nombra
cuando se pone triste con el alcohol.
Malena canta el tango con voz de sombra,
Malena tiene pena de bandoneón.

Tu canción
has the chill of last meeting.

Your song is a salty bitter memory. I do not session
your voice is the flower of a sentence,
only know that the rumor of your tangos, Malena,
feel you are better,
more good than me.

Your eyes are as dark as oblivion,
your lips tight as resentment,
two doves your hands are cold, your veins have blood
bandoneon. Your

tangos are forsaken creatures that walk across the mud of the alley,
when all doors are closed and bark
the ghosts of the song.
Malena sings the tango with a broken voice, Malena has
de bandoneón.


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