Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Orajel On Dick For Longer Endurance

masters of their own death

In recent years developments in science and technology have made it possible to lengthen the average life expectancy of persons and di vita dei cd. malati terminali. Ciò ha posto dei problemi etici e giuridici, nonché morali e religiosi, di non facile soluzione. Il prolungare la fase terminale della vita di un malato molto grave, il garantire un futuro anche a soggetti non più in grado, minimamente, di prendersi cura di se stessi, ha fatto sorgere delicati interrogativi in merito alla compatibilità di questi trattamenti terapeutici d'avanguardia con la dignità che ad ogni individuo va riconosciuta, indipendentemente dal suo stato di salute. In particolare, ciò che più tormenta le coscienze e la ragione della scienza medica, di quella religiosa e di quella del diritto, ruota intorno al valore da attribuire alla volontà del soggetto malato circa il trattamento and therapeutic care to practice when the subject is no longer capable of discernment. He recently moved from a paternalistic model of medicine, to a model where it assumes a fundamental role individualism and the protection of freedom of self-determination. In this model the patient's consent to therapeutic interventions - surgery is essential. Consent must represent the outcome of a free power of choice, which, for this presupposes that the patient is informed of the treatment to which it may be subjected, the benefits of such treatment, the proportion between benefits and risks to them related, the likelihood of fatal and so on. Article 30 of the Code of Ethics medical of 1998 requires the physician to provide patients with the most appropriate information on the diagnosis, prognosis, the prospects and possible alternative diagnostic and therapeutic foreseeable consequences of decisions made. Any request for information from the patient must be satisfied. Article 32 prescribes not to undertake diagnostic and / or treatment without the obtaining of informed consent. Paragraph 4 of art. 32 requires the doctor, in the presence of documented refusal by a person capable of discernment, to desist from acts resulting in diagnostic and / or healing, there can be no medical treatment against the wishes of the person, except in case of minor age or a majority of unsound mind. Except that if the patient is unable to express their will in case of serious life-threatening the doctor can not take into account the previously expressed by the same (Article 34). Consent to be found to be expressed by a person capable of discernment. Arises, therefore, the problem of reconciling this need with the natural need to respect the will of the subject even in times when, because of his health, is unable to manifest it. How can exert the right to self-determination of the subject arises in cases where physical or mental incapacity? The answer, especially in countries of common law, was in the sense of attaching importance to the wish expressed by the subject at a time before the occurrence of the failure. The United States were the first to recognize the legitimacy and validity of a living will (testament of life), which consists of a declaration that the person giving the directions to be followed in cases where, due to a serious illness, usually terminal is not able to express their will about the treatment they undergo. The living will is part of the broader context of the cd. advanced directives. The will of life, also called a living will, is rooted from the right to die with dignity. The right to die with dignity appartiene alla categoria dei diritti di terza generazione (diritto alla pace, alla ambiente, diritto di procreare ecc.), che, nel nostro ordinamento, troverebbero un riconoscimento implicito nell'articolo 2 della Costituzione. Secondo una tesi, il diritto a morire con dignità legittima l'uso di sostanze lenitive del dolore. In questo orientamento si inserisce la recente pronuncia di un giudice veneziano che ha autorizzato l'uso della marijuana ad una paziente affetta da tumore per lenire le sofferenze. Inoltre, è riconosciuto come legittimo il rifiuto dell'accanimento terapeutico. Una seconda tesi prevede che, il diritto a morire con dignità, quale espressione del principio di autodeterminazione individuale, postula il diritto a rifiutare ogni unbearable suffering to configure the death as a means to end the suffering itself. It is legitimate, then, according to this approach, the euthanasia therapeutic time to shorten the life and sufferings of the terminally ill.
At European level there is still no uniform set of rules that establishes the relevance of advance directives and living wills in the individual Member States. Standards were only adopted in principle. In 1976, the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation, No. 779, the rights of sick and dying, which states that rights to ensure that patients are: dignity, integrity, information, care, respect for the will and the right not to suffer needlessly. Nella raccomandazione vengono individuate tre casi in cui sussiste il problema circa la possibilità di rinunciare o meno all'intervento per prolungare le cure: malato preagonico, analgesia invasiva, le dichiarazioni di volontà con le quali persone capaci di intendere e volere rifiutano trattamenti idonei a prolungare la loro vita. Nel 1997 è stata adottata la Convenzione sui diritti dell'uomo e la biomedicina, sottoscritta anche dall’Italia, nella quale vengono fissate norme di principio relative alla protezione della persona in tutte le sue condizioni esistenziali, salute, malattia ecc. In particolare, l'art. 9 prevede che la volontà espressa anteriormente da un paziente, che al momento del trattamento non sarà in grado di manifestare His will, will be taken into account.
In Italy there is no legislation on living wills. In recent years, however, is a debate that involves both the medical and religious, both lawyers. In 1992 she was given the charter of self-determination by the Look of bioethics. The Charter is based on the principle of self-determination of each to ensure the right to give consent or refuse therapeutic treatment and / or surgery. To this end, the will of the subject is enhanced by recognizing the value of advance directives. In 1998 the Charter was transfused into a bill. There were, then, other bills, but none has so far resulted in un atto legislativo vero e proprio.

La legge n°91 del 1999 al fine di rendere possibile il trapianto di organi e tessuti dopo la morte, richiede l'autorizzazione del soggetto attraverso una dichiarazione di volontà da esprimersi in vita presso l’azienda sanitaria locale, o presso il medico di famiglia, o tramite la compilazione dell'apposita tessera messa a disposizione dal Ministero della sanità. Si è affermato, infatti, che “il riconoscimento di un potere così penetrante sulle proprie spoglie post mortem mal si accorderebbe con il mancato riconoscimento di rilievo alla volontà destinata a valere in un momento precedente alla stesa morte.”

Fatte queste premesse, ed alla luce dei fatti the last few days, ask yourself what can be corrected in a multiethnic and multiracial society where ideologies and religions meet and sometimes collide, to impose a behavior to be held by a law. One can say with some degree of confidence that the recognition of the institution of the living will (or a declaration of will or testament of life) in Italy to recognize all the freedom of choice. Those who decide by their own choice to terminate his life when he was in failure of discernment as well as those who chose not to. An old Latin Broccardo shown on the right hand of private "Torrente-Schlesinger," says: "servants Sumus legibus ut possumus them free "(we are slaves to the law in order to be free). The trend of affairs suggests that the law does not make any free or, perhaps, but a few.

I invite you to reflect and comment on this note, whose implementation is the result of a research network and a series of "copy-paste" that allowed me to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem.

I wish I could be free to choose.

I would be able to say here and now, if I were in the situation of Eluana or Terry Schiavo, I would not want my life to go on.

I want to be master of my life and my death.

But I can not.

The only opportunity that presents itself is carefully visit this link: http://www.exit-italia.it/
Otherwise, one could collect signatures for a bill that, according to the law can from people, since we are in a democracy.

I want to be free to choose for me.
I wish everyone could be free to choose.

My freedom ends where that of the other.


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