Sunday, December 14, 2008

How To Make A Resumethat Intrests Clothing Stores

Gracias a la vida

Gracias a la vida, que me has so much nut
me God Luceros dos, que cuando los repealed
disting Perfecto, of the negro y blanco en el
high heaven,
her starry backdrop, And from the crowds, the man I love

Thanks to life, giving me
both gave me the ear, which in all its breadth Day and night records
crickets and canaries, Hammers, turbines and bricks and storms,
And the tender voice of my beloved

Thanks to life which has given me so
given me sound and the alphabet
With the words, to think and speak Mother
, friend, brother, and light illuminating
The path of the soul of my loved

Thanks to life which has given me so
It has given me up, my tired feet
With them I walked, cities, beaches and pools
deserts, mountains
and plains And your house, your street and your patio

Thanks to life which has given me so
gave me a heart, which shakes its frame
When I see the fruit of the human brain
When I see the good so far the bad
When I see the bottom of your beautiful eyes

Thanks to life, which has given me has given me
both laughter and tears have given me
So I distinguish happiness and pain
The two materials that make my song
And your song, which is the same song
And the song of all, my own song
And your song, which is my own song.


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