Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Is The Strongestspanx?

Attenti al Lhupo ( tre )

Degreasers blog - episode III -

; ; ; story in 4 episodes of Lhupo

-Just make it fast ... among other things should I even go to the bathroom. - Muttered to herself. I pulled the curtain. The first thing I saw in that dim light orange, was a man. Kandura wore a white and was lying on the soft cushions that absorbed almost all of his puny body. I went. He did not move, he seemed asleep. He had a pale face framed by a thick beard, an aquiline nose and a tuft of hair covering one eye.
She looked about forty years. With his right hand holding a opium pipe leading to the mouth at regular intervals. I held my breath for a long time before releasing a small light that you wanted to smoke off into the air.
Near him was a table that reached to his head on the floor and there were needles, scrapers and nettapipe. A turtle shell coated with gold and encrusted with precious stones, walking dangerously on the edge.
I plucked up my courage and gave him a slap on the cheek. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around, smiled when he saw me.
I returned the smile.
-I humbly apologize for this intrusion Monsieur Des Esseintes , but in truth I say that I am not surprised to find in a place like this.
I motioned for him to squat next to him.
-Who are you?
-degreaser of this site are
But I had the distinct feeling that he had not fully understood the meaning of degreaser. He took his pipe to his mouth and made a long tirade.
I looked long with red eyes from sleep, then murmured, mixing words and smoke.
-Why is he here?
-Gotta find the queen, knows where?
Annuì, poi con l'indice della mano sinistra mi fece segno di avvicinarmi. Accostai il mio orecchio alla sua bocca.
E quando udii quelle parole restai pietrificato.
-Signore il tempo stringe. - disse Wolfet dandomi un colpetto sulla spalla.
Mi alzai, presi un fazzoletto dalla tasca e mi asciugai il sudore.
-La tartaruga luccicante sta cadendo. - disse indicandomi l'animale che era per un terzo oltre il bordo.
La presi al volo e la rimisi sul tavolino. Des Esseintes non si era accorto di nulla, aveva gli occhi chiusi e un sorriso da togliere il fiato.
-course ...
-sst. - I said, bringing the index to the mouth.
left the tent and onto a narrow corridor.
-What did you say just now?
Near-bed seemed very worried. Is there anything you want to tell me?
Wolfet-Not now, I will tell you if you come out free of the mission.
After I had descended a small staircase on your face I felt a draft of cold air followed by what looked like a cavernous breath. I picked up the torch and saw a bluish haze and gelatinous scendeva lentamente dal soffitto contorcendosi come un grosso serpente. Aveva un aspetto minaccioso e sinistro. Accelerai il passo.
-E’ incredibile non ho mai visto niente di simile. - disse Wolfet.
Mi girai e vedendolo fermo con la testa all'insù, quasi ipnotizzato da quello spettacolo, gridai.
-Cristo muoviti, non stare lì impalato.
L’imprecazione non sortì alcun effetto. Wolfet fissava affascinato quella strana cosa che scendendo aveva assunto la forma di una grande testa di serpente a sonagli. La lingua biforcuta sibilava e saettava veloce tra due arcuati denti gialli.
Il sortilegio messo in atto dalla regina stava per uccidere Wolfet. Lo raggiunsi, infilai la mano nella sacca e presi la prima cosa che mi capitò sottomano. Era una scatoletta del Manzoni .  Presi il coltello che portavo in un fodero di pelle fissato alla cinta e con un colpo preciso forai il coperchio . 

 ( Continua... )

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