Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Have I Got Dry Patches Of Skin On My Body

Attenti al Lhupo ( quattro )



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                                                                        story in 4 episodes of Lhupo

A healthy back the stench became head of the reptile just as it gets ready to swallow the head of the unfortunate Wolfet. A few moments after that horrible figure disintegrated in the air returned to absolute darkness. I turned on the flashlight and I went up to him.
-It 's all over, how do you feel?
He said nothing. I saw that his hands were shaking. He wiped a few tears with the back of the hand. And when you recover some of the calm, "he said firmly.
Camminammo non so per quanto tempo nel silenzio più assoluto e senza altre malie. Ero preoccupato. Quel corridoio sembrava non finire mai e quando vidi una fessura di luce, a non meno di dieci metri, tirai un sospiro di sollievo
Sbucammo in una piccola stanza senza finestre. Tre lati erano di muratura, mentre quello davanti a noi era composto da grossi tendaggi in velluto rosso. Ed era da quella parte che proveniva la luce insieme a voci strane e canti melodiosi.
Sicuramente dietro quel sipario si trovava il centro del labirinto, ossia la stanza della Nostalgia dimora di G, la regina.
Mi avvicinai e scostai la tenda quel tanto che bastava per non far rilevare la nostra presenza. La prima sorpresa fu che la stanza era situata a circa cinque metri dal pavimento, come un palco in un teatro. La seconda fu lo spettacolo che giunse ai miei occhi: stupefacente.
Un salone circolare alto circa venti metri, con un diametro di eguale misura, aveva per copertura una semisfera di cristallo, che con il sole al tramonto lasciava intravedere un cielo rosso scarlatto. Delle colonne corinzie in marmo bianco sostenevano il tamburo della cupola. Ogni coppia di colonne delimitava una cappella barocca arredata con stoffe e sete dai colori tenui which included the entire range of the rainbow.
Large floral arrangements are screwed on the altars where braziers full of essences released into the spiral of intense and intoxicating scents. And there a few feet from the eye glass waving something white that I could not clearly identify.
-Wolfet hand me the binoculars. - I said with a hint of excitement in his voice.
-Here it is.
I took almost out of the hands, and after an incredible framed the thing I slipped through the mouth.
I saw two white clouds of neurons in the central party of the intertwined strands of synapses that supported a hammock too white. Lying was the queen.
was wearing a long dress of white silk and had a leg sensually naked danger in the air. A flow of arms, in front of his face, there was a portable silver satin supported by two cherubs on the sides and curly ash. And each time that the queen wanted to type something here the angels, with elegant turns, handing the keyboard. All harmonic oscillator between music and fragrances. But there was something strange that attracted la mia attenzione. Dei puntini luccicanti come diamanti correvano come formiche impazzite lungo l’ordito dell’amaca.
Vidi così che il tessuto era fatto di versi e parole che s’intercambiavano veloci tra di loro in un gioco infinito. Alcuni lembi della veste della regina, filtrando tra le maglie dell’amaca, raccoglievano da quel via vai perle di saggezza. E queste estremità, man mano che si avvicinavano al pavimento, si trasformavano in candide mammelle ricche di nutrimento per i commentatori che si avventavano a succhiare with greed.
Sometimes the queen threw a kiss at your fingertips to Einaudi, dressed as a musician of the eighteenth century, played his favorite song.
behind, less than one meter, there was Paul Auster. He wore a freshly ironed dress and pageboy was busy arranging her wig of Louis and turn the pages of the score.
often raised a lustful gaze towards G.
I burst out laughing. I felt as evil and evil Mr. Hyde.
-Wolfet hand me the bag. - I said.
Silence. I turned and saw no one.
-Where the hell are you?
lower your voice, Lord, I'm emptying the bladder, she'll be a few seconds.
appeared after a while he was still pulling up the zipper of his pants.
-lord What a relief I do not know if you ever ...
-'nuff said. Prepare two thirty HC Cock glans rotating with reinforced ...
-Reinforced ... seems to me too ...
-I do not want surprises, the resistance can be strong, plus brush the glans with feronomi enhanced the mandrill. I will prepare a couple of grenades in the fog Siliceme (a kind of gas made of silicone and cement dust) acts to kill neurons and synapses in the blink of an eye. Soon here will play a different tune.
The implementation of the Sturm und Drang put me in a good mood. It was no time to be subdued by the music, scents, from those words that crept into the hearts of those making them inactive to reality. Was it not high time to awaken those minds, lost in oblivion, with thoughts other than those which the queen beamed from his dreamy world. Explanations? This was certainly not the time to resort to explanations, or coldly calculating what would be the advantages or disadvantages of such an operation could result in the lives of those people. Is not it true that most people's daily lives in a shit, no hope to change their fate? And these people do not have the strength to change their fate because they have the strength to break free inside. Well this is my task, sparigliare card, inflict pain, to show segments of other realities that are now submerged under a mountain of molasses.
The cocks are on-ramp launch, sir. - Said Wolfet with the remote in hand.
-Good. We will proceed in this way. At three you HC30 launches the first in the direction of the queen. - Then warden said. - Have you properly adjusted the temperature sensor vagina.
-Thirty-seven degrees.
-Best reduced by one degree, I want to be safe.
Wolfet with a small screwdriver to adjust the temperature.
-Done. - He said.
-Now listen to me: after you have launched the first rocket I will drop the grenade at the clouds neurons, while the second will try to neutralize the breasts. Then you will launch the rocket in the second group of commentators. Got questions?
-No! You have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will happen?
spread my arms.
-No! I have no idea what will happen. If things take a wrong turn we'll go to where we came from. Are you ready?
I approached the tent, opened it's just enough to place the small launching ramp. In the great room all seemed quiet. No one had noticed us. The apocalypse could begin.
Diedi il cinque a Wolfet, poi alzai la mano destra e al tre la abbassai. Wolfet premette il pulsante rosso e il primo cock partì lasciando una piccola scia di fumo bianco dietro di sé. Il big bird dopo una decina di metri virò a sinistra e come un’aquila sulla preda s’insinuò tra le gambe della regina. Dopo una frazione di secondo un rumore simile a quello che fa un grosso sasso quando colpisce una serranda squassò l’aria. E dopo qualche secondo l'HC30 ricomparve con il glande attorcigliato in un volo ubriaco che lo portava verso il basso.
La cosa che più temevo si era dunque avverata.
-Cerca di riprenderne il controllo. - gridai to Wolfet. In the room dropped, like an echo dying, the silence
threw the first grenade. Blissfully above the clouds burst. Particles siliceme rushed on neurons and synapses like flies on honey unleashing a snapshot shower of sparks. Soon after the clouds turned into ash like snow began to fall. The hammock private media that support it began to fall like a balloon that had been open air.
In one of his crazy past performance close to the stage and I could not help notice the look of fire that gave me G before crashing on that Madredeus, buried up to their chests, chanted Ao longe o mar. Due commentatori si staccarono dalle mammelle e cominciarono a sparare con la bocca perle di saggezza. Schivai con destrezza fatti i cazzi tuoi mentre a li mortacci tua ferì leggermente all’orecchio Wolfet che non emise nessun lamento. Lanciai la seconda granata che centrò le mammelle in pieno. Parole e versi, bianchi come il latte, mutarono al colore ruggine nel giro di un secondo. Un fetore acido e penetrante cominciò ad impregnare l’aria, e una babele gracchiante risuonava tra le cappelle.
Wolfet lanciò il secondo HC30 with impallinò that happened three or four commentators, I do not know if men or women, before being destroyed. Now he was under mounting a colossal mess. Swarms of comments crisscrossed by all parties and it was not clear who was shooting and what. The air was imbued with a strong odor of burnt culture date from the burning of large quantities of words and musical notes and comments by commentators shoot.
The queen, a po'intontita, had been brought by a couple of brave behind the altar of a chapel.
"Now it will be very difficult to capture. - Said Wolfet crouched below the parapet.
-I agree and the risk of leaving the skin is very high. The ones below are very angry.
Wolfet not had a point to get out of that hell and we should mobilize all our resources, physical and spiritual.
-HC30 You have regained control of the wounded.
-Not at all, but an attempt can be done.
-I see what the situation.
I looked carefully, slowly, over the parapet.
I saw, even among the smoke and rubble, that the forces were being reorganized.
-Watch out! - Shouted Wolfet
I did just in time to bend my head that bursts in C major scales stuck on the wall behind me.
-C 'that is a pianist who shoots wildly.
Wolfet fumbled on the remote control before pressing the red button.
After a moment, put an end to a groan burst
looked up at the center of the dome of crystal, had appeared as a pale moon pupil.
-Lord we do?
-We go out of here. We have nothing else to do now.
After about ten minutes we went outside.
The cool evening air we fortify the lungs.
We sat at a coffee shop. We ordered two beers.
-Lord, who told her that smoke? What m'incuriosisce a bit '.
I sent down a sip of beer, I put down his glass and said.
-To kill the queen, his wife.
Mi guardò di sott’occhi con un’espressione dubbiosa.
-Non mi credi?
-Signore, spero non si offenda se le dico che non me ne frega niente. - disse prendendo il boccale di birra. 

        Qui ,  Qui , Here , and Here useful indications



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